Captain Raven`s Treasure Island Beach Party Show (Pirates are quite smart except for giving something a name)
This comedy show comes complete with:
it`s own treasure Island stage set that glows under UV light (so a darkened hall is a plus)
transforms any hall into a Pirate`s lair on the beach.
The children quickly imaginine they are on a treasure Island in this interactive show.
Captain Raven wears an authentic pirate outfit to the point where the children actually thinks he is real! They are pleasantly surprised when met with the comedy magic tricks and lovable undersea puppets including Captain Raven`s companion "Cormag the Raven". They soon realise this pirate would rather shake the booty then steal it, as Captain Raven is a Party Pirate.
Some of the highlights of the show:
A very hoppy trick that involves "giant frog wanabees"
A skull sword through the chosen card trick,
The trick with the dangerous snake
and the mystery of the ship door rings.
Jack the island`s resident monkey makes a most comical appearance along with a variety of loveable undersea puppets.
The children can come dressed as their favorite Pirate or Princess to make the beach party something special.
The recommended age for this show is 4+ and ideal for YR2.
The length of the show
Captain`s Raven`s Treasure Island Beach Party Show lasts 50 mins. There can be flexibility in timings, either making the show a bit longer or cutting it back.
Set up is 1 hour and Take down is 25 minutes (Parking near the hall is a plus or time may need to be added if needed to carry show at a long distance)
The Stage set is a UV Treasure Island and will require an area 3.5 m length by 3.5m depth
A darkened Hall, if possible to get the best from the UV Stage, otherwise to do the show without the UV effect , which is just as enjoyable.
2 Socket points for Pat tested sound system and UV light.

Optional Party Packages
Hour package - The show plus Mini Balloon Show, where each child receives a simple balloon sculpture to some stonking children party tunes.
Two hour package - The show plus Mini Disco complete with Disco Lights and UV light , Mad Party Games and Mini UV Balloon Show.
Give us a call today to find out more or you can go straight to the contact page and fill out the form. Hurry though before someone else gets your time slot.